Digital Molt is a place where I share my life, leaving pieces behind of my former self through blog posts that explore different experiences I have.
Who is Jen?
I (Jen) am a web designer by day, writer and side hustler by night. I am usually writing with a dog or two under my desk, my window open, and some weird electronic tunes in the background. I have always been a beach person, but I am now learning how to live in the forest.
I am sarcastic, introverted, hopeful, and hopeless. I don’t like to pay full price for anything, I am America’s slowest home chef, and I will try to DIY anything, for better or for worse. I like words that start with W such as wine, Wickles, writing, whiskey, and of course, my husband, Mr. W.
I try to do my best in whatever I do, and I hope this blog fosters positivity for me and for you.
I was going to call this blog The Newly Place, because when I came up with this idea I was newlywed, newly a home owner, newly transplanted to a new area, and I just felt all of this newness surrounding me.
But when the going gets tough, I always tell myself that nothing is permanent. And so one night, when I saw a cicada molt, I knew then that I had left behind different molts of myself in different places, during points of change and personal evolution, that I just couldn’t see. Hence Digital Molt.
The truth of the matter is that I have a wonderful family, a loving husband, and two dogs I am crazy about. Hi, I am Jen, and I am a crazy dog mom. But what I do not have is a bunch of friends to share my experiences with, so I figured I would put them out onto the internet and share them with whoever might need them.
Also, as a writer, I need to have words on the internet, or so I have been told. I have also always been reluctant to “put myself out there,” so here I am, trying to put myself out there.
What You Can Expect
A lot of wedding DIYs, wine trips, home design successes and failures, random experiences and adventures, and anything new I try that I think is worth sharing.